The Knights of the New Crusade | pt

Beat Crusaders (ビート・クルセイダース, biito kuruseidaasu, em japonês), também conhecido por BECR (ビークル, biikuru) foi uma banda japonesa de rock/punk-pop/indie-pop. Eles se destacavam por aparecerem publicamente com seus rostos cobertos por máscaras, que consistiam em um desenho branco e preto deles mesmos impressos por uma impressora matricial de pontos. Somente nos shows os integrantes tiram as máscaras, pois acreditam que esse é o melhor momento para se comunicarem com os fãs. Em shows gravados, seus rostos são censurados com mosaicos ou máscaras digitalizadas. O Beat Crusaders foi iniciado em 1997 por Toru Hidaka, com a idéia de uma banda experimental de...
There are at least three artists which use the name Crusader 1. A heavy metal band from Belgium 2. A hardcore band from Iowa, United States 3. A hard trance duo 4. A heavy metal band from Illinois, United States 1) Crusader is a heavy metal band from East Flanders, which originated in 1999 from what was left of a cover band that wanted to move on. As early as 2000, the band released its debut album "This Mortal Flesh" which was distributed by Virgin. In 2004, "Fools" was released, distributed by LSP, Hellion and Karthago. Both albums received lots...
The Knights of the New Crusade seem to be controversial to everyone. And that's probably the point. Their straight-ahead "Jesus is the only Way and without Him you'll perish" message is likely to turn off many non-Christians. Yet the other side of their message is an open rebuke to the "Christian" music market for watering down the message and chasing money and fame. Currently signed to Alternative Tentacles, the label owned by renowned non-believer, Jello Biafra, many wonder if the whole thing is not an elaborate gimmick. The Alternative Tentacles website explains their position: "we here at AT debated the...