Rocco | pt

Broccoli were a happy accident born out of the love of good music. Music that seemed to make life worth living back in the late eighties / early nineties. Broccoli were a group of friends. Broccoli were ups and downs. Broccoli were grateful for the goodwill of their fellow humans beings... .
"Quem denuncia sou eu mesmo Vulgo Tonho Crocco. Louco? Trouxa? Doido varrido ou de cara? De mim alguns acham tudo. Eu não acho nada, sou sem sorte. Igual a qualquer habitante do gueto 100% Partenon - mensageiro do beco , porta-voz da paz. Vem junto quem é’ “duz meu”. Amigos e inimigos fiéis. Sempre temente a Deus’’. Talvez com esse trecho de ‘’Justiça divina’’ a gente consiga começar a falar um pouco sobre o cantor/compositor/músico Tonho Crocco. Um branco de alma Black. E inquieto. E extremamente musical. Em 91, através de um anúncio de rádio, ele assume os vocais da...
a) TRANCE Scirocco is a group formed by Alexander Mieling aka. Alex M.O.R.P.H. & Rüdiger Dittmann aka. Josh Gallahan or Rudee that made the following singles of trance music: Scirocco, Sense Of Time, Eastern Sea and Kippenvelmeter. The single named as the group, Scirocco, was launched in 26th of april of 2004 by Fenology Records owned and operated by Woody van Eyden who is a native Dutch DJ, producer, remixer. Sense Of Time is a remix track from Koris vs. DJule aka. Jean-Paul Dinh (Koris) & Julien Matthey (DJule) whose are playing all the swiss major clubs and raves from...