Beti | pt

Everything began at the end... after meltdown of the !T.O.O.H.! gang, Wokis (guitar) and Freedom (bassace) formed a cooperation with a clear objective: to continue to craft music in a more modest outfit to satisfy themselves (predominantly) and others. They began their work on new material immediately. As the formulaic three-chord songwriting scheme was not in their minds, the compositions grew in intensity, and the incubation time needed to spawn these musical pieces proved longer than anyone could have imagined. But nothing could stop the progress and by the darkness of Christmas time, it was to record a first opus....
The only known information about Diabetic Socks is that a CD titled Diabetic Socks - Left Overs (rough) was sent to someone in Brooklyn, NY. Once loaded into Itunes, track names were surprisingly found. The person who received the CD has been trying in vain to find out more about the group (duo?). If anyone has further info, please add to this site. .
There are two artists that go by the name of Betika: 1. Death-pop, played with zeal and vigour by the musical wing of a sinister youth movement. Pronounced BEH-tick-uh. 2. A singer from the Côte d'Ivoire. Pronounced b'-TEEK-uh. .
The Rembetika Hipsters are a nationally-acclaimed Greek music group based in Calgary, Canada. Since 1996, their repertoire has included authentic Greek Rembetika songs, original Canadian compositions in Greek, Balkan & Middle-Eastern styles, contemporary belly-dance instrumentals and jazz-influenced bouzouki pop. .