The Butler Twins | pt

John Butler Trio, um som que parece saído de contos de Tolkien, o cara do violão é um show a parte. O grupo faz uma espécie de som meio bluegrass e vem da Oceania. Composto pelo guitarrista e vocalista John Butler, o grupo já lançou dois álbuns de altíssima qualidade, sendo que o último deles garantiu o disco de platina na música australiana, tendo atingido o top ten das rádios locais no ano de 2003. A banda ganhou ainda o prêmio ARIA de melhor lançamento independente em 2001 pelo álbum Three, além de ter sido indicada a três outros prêmios....
Os Cocteau Twins foram uma banda escocesa de dream pop, formada em Grangemouth, Escócia, em 1979. Os seus membros eram Elizabeth Fraser (vocais), Robin Guthrie (guitarra), Will Heggie (baixo), Simon Raymonde (baixo, em 1983, com a saída de Heggie). Poucos grupos foram tão originais e prolíficos quanto esse trio escocês. Gravavam pela minúscula 4AD e, ao lado de New Order e Smiths, foram os maiores nomes da cena independente britânica, no que diz respeito a lançamentos e vendagens. Com os vocais maravilhosos de Elizabeth Fraser e uma camada sonora produzida ao som de baixo, guitarra, teclado e bateria eletrônica, o...
At thirteen, Jonathan's talents caught the ears and eyes of British record producer Clive Caulder. He was signed to Caulder's Jive Records and as the old cliche goes, the rest is history. Jonathan's first single broke down racial barriers, becoming the first song by a black artist to be played by white radio stations in South Africa. Because Jive was headquartered in England, Jonathan decided to move there to focus on his recording career. His commitment to his craft paid off with his self-titled debut album, which received a Grammy nomination for the pop hit "Lies." Jonathan's ability to blend...
The Voluntary Butler Scheme is, to all intents and purposes, Rob Jones – a young man holed up in Stourbridge just outside Birmingham, writing pop songs of classic sound, vivid imagination and homemade ingenuity. A couple of years ago, Rob filled the days surfing drum stools, playing for a string of bands and relishing the low-expectations life of a jobbing musician. But then, the offer of a solo gig came up. "So I wrote four or five songs, and played the show," he explains. And? "And it wasn't all that," he laughs. "But straight away, I knew I didn't want...
The Kalin Twins (born 16 February 1934, Port Jervis, New York, USA) were a pop music recording duo, comprising twin brothers Hal and Herbie Kalin (d. 24 August 2005 and 21 July 2006, respectively). A classic example of one-hit-wonder syndrome, the Kalin Twins have a more interesting history than many who fall into this age group. They were real life twins (many references give their birth date as 1939 but this was a Decca Records diversion, in an attempt to make them appear younger than they were). Their first public performances came at just five years of age at a...