Amaro Walden | pt

To hear Jake Walden tell it, the singer/songwriter spent the first half of his life as some-kind of Alex P. Keaton-style would-be capitalist, rebelling against his "very hippie" Northern California upbringing by making big plans to earn, as he says, "lots of money." "I was a child of the 1980's," he explains, laughing. "I was strong-willed and gregarious, and that was what I thought I wanted.” By his 17th birthday, drenched in youthful discovery and freshly home from a year abroad, he immersed himself in friendship, philosophy, music, the search for self, connection and relationships undefined...following in the footsteps of...
Encontrado 6 canções, duração: 19:25
Amaro and Walden
Amaro and Walden's Joyride
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