Hans Ice | pt

Hans Florian Zimmer (nascido em 12 de Setembro de 1957) é um compositor alemão, conhecido mundialmente por seus trabalhos com trilhas instrumentais de filmes. Nascido em Frankfurt, Zimmer iniciou sua carreira musical tocando teclados e sintetizadores, entre outros, com as bandas 'Ultravox' e 'The Buggles'. Seu primeiro grande sucesso veio em 1988 com o tema de Rain Man, pelo qual foi indicado ao Oscar. Desde então, tem composto música para filmes como O Rei Leão, Thelma & Louise, a trilogia Os Piratas do Caribe, os Batman de Christopher Nolan etc. O estilo de Zimmer é caracterizado pelo uso predominante de...
Nascido no Alaska, a partir dos 12 anos viveu na Argentina. O artista morou em Nova Iorque por uma década, voltando a Buenos Aires após a gravação de “Sur o no Sur”. Kevin é perfeitamente bilíngüe e canta tanto em espanhol, quanto em inglês. Oferece revelações a cada ouvida. Com letras inteligentes e muita poesia, faz uma música altamente literária e multicultural. .
Hans Ice is a lo-fi-funk artist from Oslo, Norway. .
French group, created in Lyon, France in 1941 under the name Compagnons de la Musique. The name was changed in 1946 to Compagnons de la Chanson. The group included 9 singers who each had additional roles (such as lyrics). In 1944 they met Edith Piaf who would become their strongest supporter. recorded and performed many French songs, at first from the popular folk music but later with more modern music and lyrics. They toured in the USA in the late 1960's as well as, among others, Canada, Japan, Israel, Lebanon, Brazil, Africa, the UK, Italy and more. Their "last, goodbye"...
There are two artists called Hansel. 1. Hansel originates from BOSTON. HANSEL Lorentzian Lineshaper Label: D-Trash Records "This was a tough CD to review, and even a tougher one to listen to, which is probably why I liked it so much." Hansel is Alan Fux (vocals, samples, arrangements, orchestrations) and M.X. Lopex (samples, sequences, programming). Hansel is also a clash of genres and a study of the thermodynamics of disparate sounds traversing against the grain. Pranksters and poets, Hansel is what Suicide would be today if modern computer technology was available. Little things on the CD become the crux, like...
Encontrado 35 canções, duração: 05:44:28
Ice Baby
Hold the Ice
Hold The Ice (King Arthur)
Running On Ice
Kingdoms of Ice (feat. AURORA)
Running On Ice ("Крутые виражи")
On Thin Ice (recut)
The Ice Battle
Losing Ice (feat. AURORA)
The Ice Battle (King Arthur OST)
Walrus: The Right Piece of Ice
The Ice Battle (Film Version)
The Ice Battle (Film Version)
Losing Ice (From Frozen Planet II)
Hold the Ice
The Right Piece Of Ice
01. The Ice Battle (Film Version)
Elvis on Ice/Trapped
Running On Ice (OST Крутые виражи)
Hold The Ice
5. The Ice Battle
Hold The Ice
6m34 v1.01 c1021 Miracle on Ice x071-15_Full 2mx
6m34 v1.01 c1021 Miracle on Ice x071-15_Full 2mx