Manian | pt

DJ Manian (Manuel Reuter) é um produtor alemão, DJ de trance music, dono do selo Zooland Records e membro do trio de dance music, Cascada, juntamente com DJ Yanou e Natalie Horler. .
Is goa-trance project from Ekeren,Belgium. .
Rumanian Orchestra under the Direction of Kapellmeister V. Belf. According to Freedman Catalog of Klezmer music: Name: Belf's Romanian Orchestra Name (Yiddish): בעלףס רומײנישער אָרקעסטער Also known as: Rumynskii Orkestr Belfa Also known as: Belfs Rumeynishe Orchestra Also known as: Belf's Rumynski Orkestr According to The Klezmer Shack: About all we know about this is that they now appear to have been Ukrainian, and recorded some wonderfully florid klezmer tunes that continue to be prized. The 30-some sides also comprise the largest block of early recorded European Klezmer. Jeffrey Wollock summarized what little we know of the band in his...