Cztery Refy | pt

Putrefy Factor 7 is an electro-industrial band that produced two albums before the project was shut down. .
Formada em 1992 na Ballymoney, Irlanda do Norte, usa em suas músicas temas como Gore, Mutilation, Morte e mistura gêneros como Brutal Death Metal e Deathgrind, .
Putrefy the Living are a 2-piece Brutal Death Metal/Goregrind band from Port Pirie South Australia. Released their debut EP album "Mozzimoto, The Mosquito King" in 2013. .
Encontrado 66 canções, duração: 03:26:13
Wstawaj Jack
Kanonier McCarthy
14. shallow brown
07. mason's aprom
03. flowers of red hill
13. z pijanym zeglarzem
High Barbaree
Toasty zeglarskie
11. shannon i chesapeake
Roal Oak
11. paddy i wieloryb
17. syrena
Zwyciestwo Cezara
19. wesoly wiatr
The Trip We Look Over The Moun
Grand Coureur
Crossing The Minch
Shannon i Chesapeake
General Wolfe
Pijmy za chlopcow co wyszli na
The Rights of Men
Tiddy High-O!
Greenland Man's Tune
12. pchajmy chlopcy razem
Fajna Ferajna
The Emigrant
06. high barbaree
15. Pressgang
06. juz wyplywa statek w morze
13. scotty's favorite
Oliwska szanta
16. swieczka
01. cumberland
Czternastego lutego
02. anglesey
09. roal oak
14. zwyciestwo cezara
01. z pijanym zeglarzem
04. general wolfe
Ja stawiam
08. na statku 'calibar'
09. niech zabrzmi piesn
05. grand coureur