NICE Cream | pt

Originally from the town of El Campano, Colombia, Aniceto Molina began his musical career at the age of 12 playing the accordion. As the years passed he continued to tour and record throughout Central America. From 1973 to 1984 he lived in Mexico City and during this time he recorded albums and toured extensively throughout Mexico and began to tour the U.S. Seeing that his music made a lasting impression in the United States, he decided to make San Antonio, Texas his home in the summer of 1984. Aniceto Molina continues to tour throughout the United States, Canada, Mexico, Central...
1) Have A Nice Day is a black metal band from Mexico City. The new band name is Brisa, which in Spanish means Breeze. 2) An Australian indie-rock band active in the early to mid 90s 3) A Former Yugoslavian / Slovenian hardcore punk band from late 80's. .
Група Ice Cream е основана на 22 април 1997 година. Малко по късно те правят и първия си официален запис. Песента се казва “ I scream” или казано на български „ Аз крещя”. Малко хора знаят, че именно това е била и първоначалната идея за име на групата, но заради поясненията, които всеки път се налага да правят за името, момчетата решават да изберат за име – Ice Cream. Така, както ги познаваме до ден днешен. От първоначалния състав на групата, все още членове са Вики и Дани. През 1999г., се присъединява Тоди, а две години по-късно и Монти. През...
Existem quatro bandas de nome Venice: 1. Venice é uma banda skate punk da Argentina. 2. Venice é uma banda de Buckinghamshire, UK, da Vertigo/Universal Records, feita pelos antigos membros do Lights and Sound. 3. Venice é uma banda de 1977 dos Paises Baixos. 4. Criada em 2012, a partir de uma antiga ideia dos amigos Pedro Sullivan e Paulo Victor, Venice é uma banda de rock que busca fazer um som verdadeiro, único e que mostre a personalidade de seus integrantes. Com a saída de um dos fundadores nesse mesmo ano, os demais integrantes da banda não desanimaram, e...
Formed in 2001, with their unconventional, hard-to-pigeonhole mixture of rough, heavy guitars and experimental, multi-layered electronic music, “Battle Scream” have already gained a loyal fan base extending beyond their home city of Dresden. In September 2007 they released their album “Suffering”, a remarkable reflection of the band's rapid progress over the last two years. While the electronic influence is unmistakeably greater, there is no lack of the usual catchy, heavy guitar riffs. But these are no longer in the foreground of the Dresden band's sound – instead they provide the right thrust and round off the overall impression of every...