Author | pt

There are at least two bands with the name Authors: 1. Bitter/ sweet, frantic yet smooth, two minute anthemic bursts neatly sums up Toronto four piece Authors. While the name may appear new, the band is not, known since the summer of 2006 and until recently as The Smile. Initially a side project of Akroid drummer Jason Galbraith, Authors crept into priority over the fall and winter of 2008. Authors successfully smashes the tricky catchiness of early 90's FAT style punk into angular and mathematical mid 90s post-hardcore. Live and recorded, Authors seamlessly seals the deal ushering in a whole...
No Unauthorized is a french electropop band that formed in 1982. Landmark indie french electro pop from the hometaper underground. people: Catherine - vocals, percussion, synthesizer Christian - drums, drum machine, bass, percussion, synthesizer Marc - Guitar, bass Michel - Synthesizers, tapes, guitar, ambiance, electronic devices Veronique - Vocals, percussion .
A rolling G-funk trio from Flint, Michigan, Top Authority debuted with Somethin' to Blaze To on Trak Records. The following year brought Rated G, and Ichiban picked up distribution through Wrap for third album Top Authority Uncut (The New Year). ~ John Bush, All Music Guide .
Voice of Authority was not so much a band as a one off project featuring various musicians on the On U Sound label, including Mark Stewart + Maffia. They released one album in 1984 called Very Big in America Right Now. .
Authority Zero foi iniciado em 1994 quando Bill Marcks conheceu Jason DeVore em Westwood High School. Marcks realmente não atender DeVore até o verão de 1995, até então Authority Zero consistiu de dois guitarristas (Marcks & Jerry Douglas) e um baterista JW Gordon, todos da Westwood. Este trio colocou algumas músicas juntos sem letras ou basslines. Quando o verão chegou, Douglas estava esperando a visita anual do seu amigo Jason DeVore, de Wyoming. Douglas apresenta o seu amigo de longa data e Marcks, brincando, perguntou se ele queria ser o seu cantor, logo depois que não era piada. Marcks ficou...
Encontrado 93 canções, duração: 11:58:52
Create In Me a Clean Heart
Author & Savior
Glass Beams unreleased
Project-Amarni - 100 Degrees
The Title
Taka-ta (speed up)
My Only
Tzar Author
ой прилужке
Take The Bridge Home
а ты знала я такой
#1. Любовь в эпоху Tinder
про ведьм
The Author
аварский рэп=)
For You @ (author cut)
ты забудешь обо мне
Victor Is Always the Author
Trance Author
Земля крутится
не уйду от тебя
Author's Mix (FULL MIX)
дари дури
About the Author
Свет души моей
Cuando las Bocinas Revientan