Mummy Calls | pt

Hi, We are Phone Calls From Home. We play music with the intention of helping people. We have found that a lot of bands have hopes of being rich and famous, or hope that they can play their instrument as a career. We have higher hopes than that. We want to use any fame or success we get to influence people in a positive way. Teens today have a hard time growing up. They struggle with boredom, depression, peer pressure, their parents, and themselves. They look for happiness in any outlet they can find and try too hard to fit...
Broadway Calls is the sometimes pop, sometimes punk, always ultra-catchy band hailing from Rainier, Oregon. Having been compared to bands like Latterman, Green Day, Alkaline Trio and Kid Dynamite, Broadway Calls appeals to an audience of intense, genuine music lovers: The kind of crowd that loves to sing every word to every song. After playing one hometown show, Broadway Calls took a sink-or-swim approach and headed straight out on tour with label-mate Daggermouth. The tour was a great success and Broadway Calls made a name for themselves in the hardcore community. In the year that followed the band hardly had...
Mummypowder are an alternative guitar pop group formed in Helsinki, Finland, in 1997. So far they've released four albums, The Heavyweight Champions (1999), V. Strange (2003), Consternation! Uproar! (2004) and Centuries Later (2011). Outside of Finland they've toured in US and Japan, where their latest album also got a release. Their biggest hit so far is Don't Hold Your Breath, the video of which also made MTV Nordic. .
Mummy the Peepshow was an all-girl garage/punk band from Osaka, Japan. Formed in 1994, they recorded four full-length albums and have been featured in many album compilations. They had been part of Audrey Kimura's Tokyo-based BENTEN Label until they formed their own label, Triangle Records, in 2001. They've been inactive since 2003. .