The Sins of Thy Beloved | pt

Beloved foi uma banda americana de Post-hardcore, se formou durante o outono de 1999, todos os seus integrantes estudavam na mesma escola em Kenersville, Carolina Do Norte. Em 2000 a banda lançou seu primeiro álbum, ‘…And So It Goes’, o disco rendeu a banda a posição de abertura em shows de bandas como Underoath, Norma Jean e Cool Hand Luke. O álbum também chamou a atenção da Vindicated Records, que acabou lançando o próximo trabalho da banda, ‘The Running’. Em 2002 a banda estava negociando com a Takehold Records, no mesmo período a própria gravadora estava sendo vendida para a...
The Beloved é um grupo de música eletrônica britânica formado em 1983. Jon March publica um anúncio na imprensa musical solicitando que o encontrasse exatamente dai há 'três anos" as 11 horas da manhã no restaurente Diana's Dinner ou o esperasse no Covent Garden em Londres. À partir do encontro em 1986, Steve Waddington estava presente no mesmo, com Tim Havard e Guy Gaudsen, completando assim o grupo. O grupo originalmente era orientado para um estilo guitar band, mas logo começaram a usar baterias eletrônicas e elementos de dança . Eles "soavam" as vezes como o New Order e um...
One band called Seven Deadly Sins lives in Twin Falls Idaho, they play extreme metal and don't really try to stay in one style of metal, they have influences from every style of metal, disbanded in mid 2010 and the founders and songwriters Andy Carruthers and Thomas Fivecoat still use the name occasionally for songs seperate from their current band .
Poets to their Beloved were formed when Saskia and Marcel first met in 2003 on a Brendan Perry workshop. Both had travelled to Ireland following their musical hearts on their quest for new musical influences. It was there on the magical green Island that they discovered a musical connection, a strong sparkle, which they would later bring back with them to the Netherlands and Germany. This sparkle could not be tamed by distance and Marcel rapidly wrote an instrumental piece for Saskia called Love. She returned it to Marcel with full lyrics and vocals, thus making this song the catalyst...
Forming in 1963 as The Intruders and later known as The Quinstrells they became known as The Dearly Beloved in late '65 and were Tucson's most popular '60s band. Shortly after their name change Dan Gates, a DJ from a local radio station KTKT came along with the tape of a song called Peep Peep Pop Pop. The group were not at all keen at first but eventually he persuaded them to record it at the Audio Sound Recorders Studio in Phoenix and a record deal was negotiated with the New Mexico-based Boyd label. They got the band's name wrong...