Mortifera | pt

Mortifera was the side project of Noktu and Neige from the French black metal bands Celestia and Alcest formed sometime in 2001 in the French city of Nîmes. Mortifera’s style is sometimes close to that of Celestia. What makes Mortifera different from a Celestia clone is the contribution of Neige (Alcest, Amesoeurs) who composed what are deemed Mortifera’s best songs, i.e. “Fvrahgments”, “Le Revenant” and “Ciel Brouillé”. He also brought his otherwordly voice on these tracks. Neige left the band in 2006 and used the two tracks “Bonheur Amputé” and “Ruines Humaines” he had originally composed for Mortifera for his...