Sonata+Arctica | pt

Arctica are primarily Kim Stanley and Lloyd Cox. They record songs made up on the spot, with a microphone hanging from a lightbulb in a 100% improvised fashion. Nothing is taken away or censored and what you hear was completely created in the moment with no beforehand thought or writing. On hugely rare occasions, Arctica play live with the assistance of Loz Hancock(drums) and Michael Gammon(bass). When they play live it is completely improvised, aided by a few scale discussions. 2. ambient group from U.k. .
Sonata Arctica é uma banda da Finlândia de power metal. A banda foi fundada por Tony Kakko, Jani Liimatainen, Tommy Portimo e Pentti Peura na cidade de Kemi em 1996. Com o nome original de Tricky Beans, a banda tocava musicas que em sua maioria eram influenciadas por hard rock e pouco se aproximavam do power metal de hoje. Durante a sua pequena carreira, eles gravaram três demos (Friend 'till the End, Agre Pamppers e PeaceMaker) que nunca foram enviados a nenhuma gravadora. A primeira música demo para o primeiro contrato com a gravadora Spinefarm Records foi Letter to Dana,...
Although best known for their dub versions, it has to be noted that their very dubs are re-engineered from masters with the same high ranking quality. "Waiting in dub" seems to be their showcase track, but the original "Waiting is done" is of an equivalent standard. Information about the band focuses on a lot of self-promotion and advertising. Their attitude to life matters in general gets revealed via a lot of banter with fans and fellow artists on some forums, with a notable absence of linear biographical data. These ongoing threads of discussion do convey a remarkable warmth and personal...