Syren | pt

Os cariocas da banda ‘SYREN’ entrarão em Tour pela América do Sul para divulgar o novo álbum chamado ‘Heavy Metal’. O álbum foi gravado em 2010 e a gravação e mixagem ficaram a cargo do produtor Alex Macedo no Full Sound Studio. O Line-Up atual conta com Luiz Syren (vocals), B Arawn e D Arawn(Guitars),Bruno Coe (Bass) e M Kult (Drums) A tour, entitulada Heavy Metal South American Tour 2011 tem 18 datas marcadas passando pela Bolívia, Peru, Equador e Colômbia. O lançamento oficial no Brasil será realizado no retorno da banda em outubro. O local e data ainda estão...
Syrens Call is a French female fronted heavy metal band with some power, progressive, symphonic or atmospheric influences. .
Jussi Syren and the Groundbreakers is a Finnish bluegrass band and one of the best of it's kind in Europe. They became well-known after releasing the album "Heartagrass: An Acoustic Tribute to HIM". Jussi Syren and The Groundbreakers is one of the few true working bluegrass groups outside of the United States. Besides having a heavy touring schedule in their native Finland, The Groundbreakers have performed in United States, Sweden, Denmark, Germany, Switzerland and Holland. Their recordings have got great reviews in music media worldwide. Their releases have got airplay in United States, Canada, Germany, France, Spain, Australia, New Zealand,...