Church+of+Machinery | pt

Os Churchill (ou a banda Churchills) é uma banda fundada em 1965, e esteve activo até meados dos anos 70. Era uma parte da cena de bandas de ritmo que estavam ativos em Israel nos anos 70, especialmente em Ramla. A banda tocou a música rock em Inglês, do rock psicodélico e hard rock. Foi também ativa em outros países, sob o nome de Jericho Jones, assim que seu nome não ofender os britânicos. A banda tem sido uma força de liderança na cena beat início de Israel, mas foi a sua cooperação com Arik Einstein que os ajudou a...
Under The Church... Death Metal... pure and simple. Born of the base desire to create raw and pure death metal, Erik Qvick and Lars Henriksson formed the band during 2012, after the final rites were administered to the reanimated corpse that was Nirvana 2002. Inspired, a series of tunes were crafted, laboured and recorded... After a vocalist search, Under The Church settled on Australian vocalist MiK Annetts, to give voice to the primal compositions that had been conjured. The end result was 'Demo 2013'; a three song affair that created a surge of interest in the band and their raw,...
Psychedelic pop band Chamaeleon Church is best remembered as the launching pad for a pre-Saturday Night Live Chevy Chase. The group formed in Boston in 1967 after singer/guitarist Ted Myers, an alumnus of the Lost, met multi-instrumentalist Tony Schueren through mutual friends in another Bosstown Sound band, the Ultimate Spinach. After recruiting another Lost alum, Kyle Garrahan, to play bass, Chamaeleon Church (named after the astrological constellation The Chamaeleon) completed its lineup with Chase, whom Myers met while recording in New York. At the time Myers was under contract as a songwriter to N.Y.C. producer Alan Lorber, who agreed to...