Fruto Sagrado | pt

The band was formed in 1979 joining the vocal and instrumental music with roots in the rock and classical music. Sagrado has been looked upon, in brazil and abroad, as the most expressive work of the progressive symphonic music of Latin America. Sagrado presents a music that links rock to the force of aboriginal tribal rythms and the beauty and sophistication of the classical. The lyrics tells about the advent of a new era for mankind related to spiritual and ecological questions. Marcus Viana, author of the lyrics and all the music of the group became known to the public...
Sagrado Coração da Terra é uma banda brasileira de rock progressivo, cujo suas músicas são de tamanhas influências, tanto de New Age quanto à música brasileira. - História A banda mineira, sempre liderada pelo fundador, o compositor e violinista Marcus Viana, foi criada em 1979, logo após sua saída da então extinta Saecula Saeculorum. Lançou seu primeiro disco em 1984, que teve ótima repercussão no exterior (particularmente no Japão, onde eram lançados primeiro em CD). Apesar disto, no Brasil, só se tornou efetivamente conhecida do grande público após a inclusão da canção "Flecha", de seu segundo disco (homônimo), na trilha...
Frutofilia are young talented musicians from Gijón, Spain who created the band to give everyone their love... or so they say. As you can imagine, someone capable of creating a song titled 'ET es un alcohólico' ('ET Is an Alcoholic') cannot be anywhere near serious, but must definitely be funny... Frutofilia are that band. .
Fruto Sagrado (in english "Sacred Fruit")is a brazilian gospel rock band. Took place in Niterói, in Rio de Janeiro state, in 1988, with the goal of playing, to express through music their relationship with God and the world around them. The group always had rock as the foundation of all its compositions, having as a remarkable characteristic the lyrics. Fruto Sagrado always spoke in a clear and straight way about everyday's life focusing on social, political and extistencial problems. The band name is based in this John gospel line: "Ye did not choose out me, but I chose out you,...