Proyecto Uno | pt

Proyecto Uno is a Dominican Merengue hip hop group from New York. Originally formed in 1989 on New York's East Side , Proyecto Uno gradually assimilated a variety of urban American influences into their sound, including techno and house, plus hip-hop and R&B-influenced salsa. Founder Nelson Zapata was born and raised in the Dominican Republic, but after moving with his family to New York while in middle school, he began listening to American sounds as well. He began recording with the singles "Todo El Mundo", and "Brinca!!. It became a big hit in South and Central America as well as...
Proyecto Crisis was made up in Santiago de Chile where the hatred, power abuse and death are just round the corner; this made Felipe Alarcón to create a musical project influenced by such reality. In 2004, with the technology and digitalization of the world, Felipe decided to break with his soloist project and joined a vocalist who would represent the strength and attitude of the band, being such time when Mariano López gets on stage. After this union, they begin to write and create together, experiencing harder sounds of EBM and Electro Dark. With influences such as , Das Ich,...
Proyecto Verona Claudio Iuliano: guitarra Federico Meier: bajo Verónica Verdier: voz y coros Proyecto Verona nace de la asociación entre Verónica Verdier (ex Fabiana Cantilo y Diego Frenkel, entre otros) y Andi Bonomo (ex guitarrista de Presa del Odio y de La Portuaria). La formación original se completaba con Julián Kancepolski (gutiarra) y Martín Ghersa (batería). Trip Hop, bossa nova, rock y algo de electrónica son algunos de los géneros de los que se vale el grupo para darle forma a "EP Uno", el primer registro, grabado entre mayo de 1999 y febrero del 2000. Este EP incluye cuatro temas...
"This group from Madrid, constituted by Alicia H. Willen and Francisco Planellas, is, undoubtedly, one of the most solid proposals in [Spanish] "hard" electronics' new scene. Proyecto Mirage, absorbing itself in NOISE, techno and gothic rock, evolves fromits incipient electropop towards some industrial abstracted suppositions which are confirmable to each and every "leading light" of intelligent electronics such as Pan Sonic or, above all, Aphex Twin, who share with them a taste for alarming atmospheres, broken melodies and distortioned rhythms. Despite they started creating music a long time ago, Proyecto Mirage has just started to be known (outside the habitual...