HOOK | pt

1) Firstly, an epic 60's psychedelic band. 2) Secondly, Hook, everyone relates it to fuckin' Peter Pan, unless for a few freaks that would have kicked Peter Pan's ass till he claims for mercy. Hook starts in february 2005 when Chipi, guitar and vocals, moves from the far north and decides that beer is not the only in heis life, so he starts the band together with Eric black bassplayer from NBA league, and a drumming toy (aka fruity loops drums). Doesn't take much time to realize that they need to go further and they hire (end of june) Pinocchio's...
Shook Ones Hardcore / Pop Punk. Seattle, Washington United States scott - vocals bo - bass funds - guitar kelly - guitar jimmy - drums http://www.myspace.com/shookones .
Texas based Heavy Electronics project since 1999. Founded by J. Stillings and L. Kerr. World class Death Industrial soundscapes with scathing vocals, influenced by European style death industrial from the 90's. SHP explore the concept of horrors that human beings are capable of inflicting upon eachother. From arcane medical practices, genocide, war, atrocities and numerous other vulgar displays that have cycled during the timeline of our civilization. .
Pseudônimo do produtor holandês Jasper Wijnands, Shook conta a estória bizarra de um jovem que entrou em contato com uma besta misteriosa por meio de suas músicas. French house, disco veranesco, synthpop, funk, genuínos slaps no baixo, belos riffs de guitarra, lazy piano, new wave são os ritmos explorados pelo músico. http://www.facebook.com/shookshookshook http://twitter.com/iamshook http://soundcloud.com/shookshookshook http://www.shookmusic.com .