Winds | pt

Em 1998 os caminhos de Carl August Tidemann, Jan Axel Von Blomberg e Andy Winter cruzaram-se. Estes três começaram a trabalhar juntos e dois anos depois este trabalho resulta no álbum Of Entity and Mind. Este álbum foi muito bem recebido pelos fans e a banda conseguiu um contrato com a gravadora Avantgarde Music. Depois de gravarem o álbum Reflections of the I, em 2002, a gravadora The End Records contactou a banda e, depois de chegarem a aacordo, este álbum foi lançado na América. Depois do lançamento de Reflections of the I a banda ficou livre para aceitar contratos...
1) The Tradewinds were a highly addictive and obscured pop-punk from Tempe, AZ circa 2008. Featuring members of Foot Ox, Splinter Cake and the "French Quarter" live band, this is unpolished, upbeat and "real", in the vein of The Bananas and for fans of Lehigh Valley's late 90's scene. 2) In 1965 a striking single called "New York's a Lonely Town" by a group called the Tradewinds flitted briefly across pop radio. Telling the story of a California surfer stuck in New York for the winter, the song was beautifully produced, echoing some of the studio techniques then favored by...
Winds of Genocide is a Durham, UK band that calls their fusion of death metal and crust punk "Apocalyptic Death Crust". They were founded in 2006 by vocalist Kat Shevil (Morstice, Blessed Realm, Revolt) and guitarist Glenn, although it wasn't until 2009 that the band's current lineup solidified, with Dan on bass and Linus on drums (originally bass). They released their first EP, The Arrival Of Apokalyptic Armageddon, in 2010. Winds of Genocide received attention recently when Fenriz, of the Norwegian black metal band Darkthrone, blogged about them on his MySpace page and urged his fans to support the band....
A post-metal/post-rock/instrumental band from Stavropol, Russia. .
Blackwinds members are Mysteriis,composing and playing on all instruments and Infaustus who is performing the vocals.In the band,they are doing everything all by themselfs which means the lyric writing,recording,mixing and mastering are tottaly under their control.They dont want their art to get dirty by some outsiders and have the standart sound.The Black Metal for them is individuality and nothing gets them angry more than those bands,which are following the latest tendentious,getting the accordingly image and recording albums with the absolutely same sound like their idols.They are choosig the path of the leader,not the path of the follower.Because they are loyal...