Solanaceae (Kim Larsens project) | pt

Solanaceae is a creation of Kim Larsen, which portrays a more psychedelic folk feeling than usually put forth in his :Of the Wand & the Moon: project. However the unmistakable voice and songwriting is still Kim Larsen’s, which probably leaves this work as close to an :Of the Wand & the Moon: album without being that. The self-titled album, released in 2009, features 13 songs with themes of magick, woods and mysteries, and are mainly written and performed by Kim Larsen with kind help and appearances by Chelsea Robb (Arrowwood), Pythagumus Marshall (Novemthree), Michael Laird (Unto Ashes), John van der...
Encontrado 3 canções, duração: 10:59
Through The Trees Spears The Sun
Hemlock And Mandrake Fields
Sorrow And It's Companions