Kim Larsen, Kjukken Kjukken Kim Larsen | pt

There are several Danish musicians by the name Kim Larsen: 1) Kim Larsen (born October 23, 1945 in Copenhagen. Now living in Odense) is a Danish best selling rock musician, known for his solo career as well as being the lead singer of Gasolin'. 2) Kim Larsen is one of Denmark's leading underground figures, best known for his work with doom metal band Saturnus and his solo folk-noir project Of the Wand and the Moon. He has also issued records under the Solanaceae and The Loveless banners, and is a member of and lyricist in the band Black Wreath. The...
Marit Elizabeth Larsen, nasceu num 1º de julho de 1983, em Oslo, Noruega. Filha de pais músicos, Marit começou no ramo da música desde pequena, ao lado da amiga de infância Marion Raven, com quem gravou uma coletânea de músicas norueguesas infantis, e Mais tarde dois álbuns com composições próprias: o 1º foi Shades of purple que as elevou a um patamar maior, e The big room, ambos como M2M. Em 2002, elas se separaram amigavelmente, e Marit Larsen resolveu voltar para casa, enquanto Marion conseguiu um bom contrato com uma gravadora e começou a gravar seu primeiro disco solo....
The Gjermund Larsen Trio was formed in 2006 in Oslo, Norway. They play baroque folk music. The trio consists of: Gjermund Larsen (violin), Andreas Utnem (pump organ, piano) and Sondre Meisfjord (double bass). .
Stu Larsen is an Australian singer-songwriter At one point Larsen has no fixed address, no job, few possessions and little money - just a lot of generous friends who seem to let him sleep on their floor or couch, or in their spare room as he ventures onward. He appeared to be on a journey of sorts, perhaps searching for something greater than can be found in one’s own backyard. He spent time exploring & wandering all over the world. Through Australia, New Zealand, Japan, Germany, the United Kingdom and the United States, road tripping with friends, playing unexpected shows...
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