Сокира Перуна | pt

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Сокира Перуна (Sokyra Peruna) is RAC/WP/Pagan Metal group from Kyiv, Ukraine. It was formed in 1998.

In the beginning of the nineties existed two bands Скорбь (Sorrow) and ZDV66/1, which were playing hate-core. Then they disbanded due to various reasons,but the musicians of these bands gathered once again, when the bass-player served his time in prison, drummer D. returned from the military, they united with guitarist A. and the vocalist and for the purpose of propaganda of Right ideas formed a WP band. Traditionally it was named Бульдог (Bulldog). We played a few shows, one of them in Moscow. During this time it turned out to be that the vocalist with the bass-player are using drugs, and for that reason it was decided to weed them out. Sokyra Peruna was always very radical towards any kind of drugs. April 26th is considered to be the official birth-date of the band, when at the Rudolf Hess Memorial show A. declared from the stage about the renaming of the band from Бульдог to Сокира Перуна (Sokyra Peruna). Only two people made it through the history of Sokyra Peruna until the present time, the founders of the band: A. and D. The line-up suffered a lot of changes, right now it includes: A. - vocals, A.G. - guitar, A.P. - guitar, A.SH. - bass-guitar, G - drums.

The time came to cleanse the band from the people who heavily discredited themselves. In addition to this, we wanted to underline our attitude to the faith of our Ancestors, which really meant, and means, a lot to us. Actually, first was the song Sokyra Peruna, which can be heard on our debut album, and later the title of the song became the name of the band.

The source of inspiration for the music, lyrics, activity of Sokyra Peruna is ukrainian great history, it is the voice of our ancestors, that resounds in the heart of every of us; it is the voice of blood - blood of our Race. .

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