susie asado | pt

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Susie Asado is a poem by Gertrude Stein. This Susie Asado is Josepha Conrad. She is not a poem although she likes to write them. She also likes Gertrude Stein. So much is apparent. You might know her from Crazy for Jane. You might know her from the park. You might have seen her in the movie Berlin Song. Josepha writes songs and she will sing them for you. Happily.

In the Susie Asado bio, Conrad writes: "Susie Asado started in February 2007. I was terrified of performing by myself, or revealing what a lousy musician I am without my brother next to me making everything sound good. So I challenged myself to do something on my own. Two fellow women musicians: SkirtandMusic for your Heartinvited me to do a show with them at Antje Öklesund in Berlin and it seemed like a good opportunity to make a fool of myself. To make sure that I would go through the night unscathed I dressed up as Susie Asado.

That is how it started and I am lucky to say that Susie Asado has grown into a family. There is the wonderful dancer and violinistMarko Hefele.There is my old friendJason Levis,who by a lovely turn of events, also ended up in Berlin and takes care of all things percussion. And there is Tomi Simatupang, who does some kind of mojo stuff on his guitar and when I listen to him play I get dizzy. All three also play bass. Bass is our floating instrument in the band.

In 2008 the German labellolilareleased our debut album "Hello Antenna" It is about geography and love, about mothers and Mexico, about border patrol and borders and yes antenna. It is about listening to the universe, picking up on radio and sound waves, on stories and voices. And it is a calling out, a hello to the world to see if anyone is listening."

Anyways, do leave your house, your city, your country to see one of their live shows. They promise an evening of fancy sophisticated fun with lots of words and yes, songs in German and English and the two of them all mixed-up together, that is the words, the languages, not the people, they are not mixed up, not at all. Viva Mexico! .

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