Valter | pt

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Valter is the project of Paul Pitkin, former singer of Seattle’s legendary band Anabret. Expanding on Anabret’s lush sound, Pitkin plays all the instruments but drums, and creates a full band sound from one person. The compositions retain Pitkin’s signature combination of ethereal sounds, memorable songs, and powerful vocals. Pitkin’s earlier work with Anabret was played on KEXP and KNDD in Seattle, and was presented on Morning Becomes Eclectic. The song The Coming Night was featured on Fox Television’s John Doe.

Valter’s first release, the 7-song Spaces of Extraordinary Size, was played on radio stations across the country. Danger Media’s review of the EP said “Seattle's Valter has packaged the dreamy, melodic, strummy, 90's-shoe gaze, with ethereal emotionally charged vocals. I really like this CD. It's likable because it's not overt and manic. It's packed with washy, melodic guitars and daydream-like lyrics. Now that alternative indie rock seems to have become pop music's dominant idiom, Valter will be hovering high on its radar.”

Now Valter has released a new single, “All is Lost Tonight.” The song continues Valter’s commitment to texture, while bringing up the power and drive.

With elements of Radiohead, Film School, Minus the Bear, and Editors, Valter is music that never bores.


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