The Distance | pt

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Incorrect Spotify re-direction to the British dubstep producer Distance.

Band Information (new bio being added shortly)

Jay Reason has grown up in the punk scene. He is now a man in his 20’s and his voice as well as what he has to say has matured quite a bit. The Distance, which Reason fronts has also matured, their upcoming full-length The Rise, The Fall And Everything In Between is a mesh of melodic driving pop hooks, fully fleshed out arrangements and built upon a foundation of speedy punk energy. “I call it my attention deficit disorder record” says Reason, which is an accurate description when you hear his radio-ready croon over power pop chords that open up seamlessly into galloping, pogo-friendly punk/hardcore aggression. Styles constantly crash into each other within the same song and even stranger is the fact that it works!

Reason initially cut his teeth in the band Voice Of Reason which was a popular melodic hardcore band that had releases on Triple Crown and Stillborn Records. Some time after that group finished their tenure, The Distance formed in 2003. Channeling through their aggressive youth, an EP and split alongside With Honor appeared on Bridge 9 Records. The band also achieved a fair amount of touring, hitting almost all fifty states. Shortly after their last release everything in Reason’s world fell apart including the dissolution of a five year relationship with his then fiancée. “We didn’t do much for a year and a half while I tried to sort my life out. I did end up writing many of the songs that appear on the new album while going through that period.” As a result The Rise, The Fall And Everything In Between encapsulates a relationship from the beginning, the middle and the end, passion, frustration, heartbreak, loneliness but also the resolution of that dark time with growth and a resurgence of strength.

When the band resumed with the line-up of Jonathan Dobyns (bass), James Ward (guitar) and Lonn (drums) they decided that they wanted to write good songs regardless of genre and expand past four chord songs and yelling monotonies. “We had some offers from a few big labels but all they wanted was for us to keep our harder sound, they didn’t want us to try anything different. I don’t think I will understand why people can’t just write the songs they want to write, who cares if one is a rock song and the next is a pop song and then a hardcore jam, I like records that keep me guessing.” Lyrically Reason also doesn’t like to pull any punches “I used to write in a cryptic way so no one would really get it but with this release all of my lyrics are honest and straight up true. Some people may think it’s sappy or silly but that’s the risk you take when you open yourself up to everyone.” One of these songs, At Least I’m Good At Something was written while Reason was lying next to his sleeping fiancée “I was just laying there feeling that this was going to be over soon and the lyrics just started to pour out.” Bert McCracken from The Used also sings on the song. “I know Bert is into lyrics and I love his lyrics, so I was nervous he was gonna see these lyrics and say forget this. Instead he thought the words were so perfect for the song and he did an incredible job with words I wrote about a situation I was going through.”

Another famous supporter for the record is Jamey Jasta of Hatebreed / Headbangers Ball notoriety who has took the band into his busy schedule as their manager. On the relationship Reason explains “I’ve known Jamey for over ten years, he has been part of everything I have done and a big supporter of our music.” The Distance spent the majority of 2006 on the road and are gearing up to make 2007 bigger and better. The Distance has received features in Alternative Press ( 218), Metal Hammer (10/06) name a few. .

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