Komplex | pt

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There are three well known artists called "Komplex".

The First “Komplex”:

Dalibor Bogojević a.k.a KOMPLEX was born on April 06, 1984 in Serbia. At the end of 1998, he moved to Switzerland in pursuit of higher education, but due to some differences between Serbian and Switzerland school system, he decided to discontinue his education. Over the course of the next few years, he worked at many different jobs and did some soul searching. He started writing very young, simple school poems, and later at ages of 15-16, it developed to true poetry. He wrote his first rap at the age of 18.For him writing has always been a way to express his feelings, release all the negative energy, frustrations, and give his opinion about everything that is going on around him. After while he realized he was good at writing, it came naturally to him.In 2002 he was introduced to rap thanks to Dzambas .Komplex loved the idea of putting his poetry together with music, and they started performing together.

After many live performances, he got noticed by Edo Maajka and Frenkie, the two of the most popular artists in Balkans, and began to perform with them. Finally in 2006 he decided to start working on his own album “DOSADNO U RAJU” with very talented and popular DJ RAID.”Dosadno u Raju” is a hard-core album that mainly talks about lives of Balkan immigrants, and his in a very sarcastic way.
In 2012, he released his second album titled Laku Noć Deco featuring Termanology, Rasco, Reks, Promoe and many others.

The Second "Komplex":

Komplex’ is a French electronic, IDM, experimental band that
presents a strange mixture of sounds very appealing to your ears.
Either it is the rythmic experimental beats, the female vocalist, or
the reminiscence of the electroclash flavour in every song that
makes this self titled release from ‘Komplex’ very appealing to me.
It is up to you, the listener, to decide if this strange melodic
girl French band takes a hold of you (as if did for me) or you can
let it pass you by as just another release. I think you will feel
sorry for not listening and giving a chance to ‘Komplex’ and their
nice assortment of electronic tracks.

The Third "Komplex":

Polish born techno/electronic artist currently based in Melbourne, Australia with releases and appearances on Soundform Recordings, Soleil Records and M.T.M.R. He spent much of his early days playing live gigs (1999-2004) and has since moved over solely into the studio (2003-now). His sound ranges from deep grooves to slamming beats.

The Fourth "Komplex":

Komplex is an Israeli composer called Jonathan Bashan. His style varies from progressive rock, to dark ambient, experimental, and progressive metal. He is a self published artist, and record and distribute his music by himself. He has recorded so far 2 albums, and is currently working on his 3rd one.


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