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Fetish Chicken | pt

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Fetish Chicken "emerged" from the Monadnock River Valley in Southern New Hampshire in 1999. Then-four-piece included Degan (guitar/vocals), the Mole (bass), the Hick (drums), and since departed Ben Maki (guitar/vocals), who was replaced first by his brother Jay, and later by Sir Rocksalot. From early 2004 on, they were consistently a "power"-trio. Their "art-rock" has remained stylistically in flux over their five albums: from sloppier-than-Pavement, noise-drenched pop (Go Back to Russia, 2000) and general hijinx and faux-metal (Francis, 2000) to jerky eclectic fuzz rock (American Chop Suicide, 2002), proto-prog type fury (Dinosaur Pilgrimage, 2005), and dramatic historically-informed bombast (Volume=Talent, 2006).