Exit-Stance | pt

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1. Exit-stance were a british anarcho punk band in the early 80's who recorded for Conflict's Mortarhate label. They gigged a lot throughout Europe with Crass around with Conflict. They have a unique sound with vocalist Sean providing gruff no no-nonsense vocals. The group built up a good following around their local Milton Keynes area, which quickly spread throughout the UK Europe and USA etc. The group attacked all forms of government oppression, but paid particular interest to the Irish situation and animal rights. There was controversy when they were wrongly accused of being sympathetic to the IRA. However they emphasized that they were 'A' political, and that they had no affiliation or sympathies with any organization, individual, party, religion or state that uses violence to obtain power, confirming an outlook that was originally printed on their first single.

They released an album and a single: While Backs Are Turned (1985) and Crime Against Humanity (1984) and also appear on many compilation records. They now have a new release in (2017) on Imminent Destruction Records called Saying Nothing (But Speaking My Mind) which are live rehearsal recordings of the band's brief re formation in 2004.

Not to be confused with another band of the same name who were more of a goth sounding band from Bristol who became known as Feud and supposedly the Anarcho band threatened legal action over the name clash but now turns out to be sour grapes from the Bristol band as the Anarcho band existed well before they did and released records before them also, so seems the legal action rumours from the other Exit-Stance are complete fiction.


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