Diversia | pt

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There are at least two different bands having used the name Diversia.

(1) Metal band from Estonia.
The first days of Diversia route back to 1995, when Darja Tanashenko, Lena Mihhejeva and Sergei Kutergin formed such a band. The very first gig was played on the 8th of March, 1996 in “Lindakivi” cultural centre. After the gig the band decided to perform that day every following year.
After a year, the drummer left Diversia for a band called Tallinn. A new drummer was found in Denis Jefimov. At the same time a second guitar-player and backing vocalist Anastasia Jung joined the band. With this line-up they played a lot of gigs in local rock clubs like Rio, Muti Club and Burevestnik.
For a while Diversia had a pretty productive period, during which they wrote most of their basic material. Then, expectedly, the bass-player and again the drummer quit, which brought a nasty, lazy era to Diversia’s activity.
Total disaster was imminent, when finally the band found a new bass player Olga Elson and also a drummer Sergei Tashajev, with whom they gigged after a long time on the 10th of October, 1997 in club “Krevetka”, a gig meant to celebrate the band’s rebirth as well as Darja’s birthday. About a month later, a similar event took place there, this time in honour of Nastja and Olga.
Sticking to the steadfast tradition, some months later Olga left the band and a new bass-player Julia Kukuruza was recruited. The goodbye gig for Olga was held on the 8th of February, 1998 in club WOG.
On 9th of April, 1998… no comments… another goodbye gig, this time for the drummer; also the first gig with Julia. Soon, a new drummer called Scott was found. He kept up the good work until July of 1999. During that last year the band toured all over Estonia, becoming quite famous and also managing to record three songs: «Rain Song», «Last Astral Dream» and «Come Back». After that Scott left.

Origin: Tallinn, Estonia
Formed in: 1995
Last label: Unknown
Status: Split-up (1999)

Last known line-up:
Anastasia Jung - Guitar, vocals
Julia Kukuruza - Bass
Darja Tanasenko - Vocals, guitar
Jura - Percussion
Elina - Keyboard
Former/past member(s)

Olga Elson (1997-1998)

Sergei Kutergin (1995-1997)
Sergei Tashajev (1997-1998)
Denis Jefimov (1997)
Scott (1998-1999)

(2) Thrash Metal band from Russia.
Nikolai Mishakov formed Diversia in April 2001 with several of his friends. From the beginning the group embarked on pounding out their distinctive metal sound. Soon after the boys of Diversia got their first chance to play in December 2001 at the "Open Action" concert in their hometown of Nihzniy Novogord, Russia. Much to their surprise, popular demand moved Diversia from a supporting role to headlining the concert.
Since that time Diversia has been playing bars, nightclubs, and many of the small stages in the local venues. Not just limited to small stages, Diversia has been invited to play at many All-Russian festivals including: "Non-Borders Rock", "Rock-Line" and several other open-air festivals.
According to local critics, Diversia is the only band in Russian playing this rough-edge brand of heavy metal music. Popular sentiment has not lagged far behind, creating a fertile ground for radio play across Russia. Television and newspapers have also gotten in to the action, inviting Diversia for interviews and doing in-depth stories about this emerging band.

Origin: Nizhny Novgorod, Russia
Formed in: 2001
Last label: MetalAgen Records
Status: Active

Current line-up:
Nikolai Mishakov - Bass
Egor - Drums
Zed - Guitar .

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