Kronos | pl

Istnieje kilka zespołów o tej nazwie. Jednakże są one nieznaczące wobec francuskiej grupy utworzonej w 1994 roku. Zespół wykonuje brutalny death metal, a tematyka jest dość oryginalna - mitologia grecka. Pierwsze nagranie demo "Outrance" wydane zostało w 1997. Następnym krokiem było nagranie splita z None Divine w 2000. Pierwszy pełny album wyszedł rok później i zatytułowany został Przebudzeniem Tytanów (Titan's Awakening). Następny album "Colossal Titan Strife" ujrzał światło dzienne 3 lata później. The Hellenic Terror z 2007 to ostatnie dzieło tej oryginalnej bandy. W 2009 wydana została płyta kompilacyjna "Prelude To Awakening" zawiera pierwszą płytę, utwory ze splita oraz dwa...
Krönös is Glam Metal band from Cali, Colombia formed in 1987.They opened for Guns N' Roses in Colombia during their 1992 tour. They have four full-length albums and one EP. Official Site: .
Dear parishioners, Those among you who do not only follow KING KRONOS, but our grindcore band SATAN'S REVENGE ON MANKIND, too, already know that there have been some issues regarding our lineup. Unfortunately, this has ripple effects on KK as well. Lamentable, above all, is a difficile and uncomfortable situation, Stephanie (voc.) and Frank (bass) got into through no fault of their own. Being forced to come to a decision between black and white, they follow their good conscience and thus the way of our former lead guitarist René as they do not want to let him pay for a...
Built and programmed by two of the syndicates most powerful fugitives Bass Junkie & The Dexorcist, the Kronos Device is capable of reaching 12,000 beats per minute at frequencies below 10 Khz. The unit includes killout trance switches, submerged drifts, industrial enhancement sensors, phase controls and DSS surreal sound 9.1 and utilises mainframe volume enhancement. The Kronos Device will act as a audio catalyst for existing IBM mainframes with increased oscillation protocols of up to 800%. All other sound ecosystems will be considered obsolete. Kronos Device have a seriously hardcore elctro breaks sound. With deep bass, spooky space samples, and...
An electro-industrial music project from Russia, active during 00's. .