Hairy Chapter | pl

Trance Producer from Germany, real name Jan Jünemann. .
Albumy Chapter przypominają kolejne rozdziały grubej księgi. Poszczególne wersy są złudnie proste, zebrane w całość tworzą wyjątkową historię: pewny i wszechstronny głos, skromne i zręczne gitary, ozdobne klawisze, harfy i dziwne instrumenty. Ciche, ale rytmiczne dźwięki układające się we wciągającą opowieść. Chapter inspirują się zarówno muzyką jak i literaturą, śpiewają o własnych doświadczeniach w uniwersalnym kontekście codziennego życia. Po nagraniu dwóch albumów - „One (Prologue)” (2004r.) i „Two (Biographer)” (2007) – Chapter wypracował sobie grono stałych słuchaczy i czytelników. Szwajcarska trupa podróżowała po wielu krajach Europy zyskując nowych zwolenników, a także odkrywając nowe dźwięki. Podróże i czas odcisnęły na nich...
There are three known bands called Chapter 2: 1. A Nederbeat band from the Hague active in the late 1960s. An obscure band known mainly from compilations featuring the track "East of My Place". They released an LP in 1966 titled "Page One" on the Philips label (#XPL 655 023). 2. Funk band led by Eric Krasno Founding member and guitarist of beloved bands Soulive and Lettuce, Eric Krasno is taking his fifteen plus year career in a new direction with his first solo record, Reminisce (Royal Family Records). Recorded in Brooklyn, NY and at Soulive drummer Alan Evan’s PlayOnBrother...
Hailing from Long Beach California, Chapter 11 is a live Reggae/Hip Hop group that has been together since 1998. Their album recordings blur the lines between live instrumentation and sampled loops and beats. Live shows are pure energy and emotion. The sound could be described as a perfect blend of traditional Jamaican Reggae rhythms mixed with Hip Hop street smarts. ----- Chapter 11 is also a punk band from Cincinnati. They were active in the 90s and early 2000s. .
Founded in Germany during the late 60's, Hairy Chapter is a solid acid-garagey-free rockin band. This is reminiscence to the most marvellous krautrock acts (Amon Düül II, Guru Guru, Agitation Free, My solid Ground...). In 1969 they recorded the obscure Electric Sound for Dancing LP, followed by the catchy heavy-psychedelic called eyes (1970). In 1971 they recorded what is considered to be their most successful album (Can't Get Through). It has been produced by Dieter Dirks (Nektar, Ashra Tempel, Wallenstein, Passport...). The album features a collection of tripped out-blasting bluesy kraut improvs / songs, including some discreet acoustic ethno vibes....