Roadside Monument | pl

Broadside Electric is a five-piece electric folk band from Philadelphia, PA (US). They have earned a reputation for thoroughly original arrangements and painstaking research into traditional English, Celtic and Eastern European music. A band equally at home with folk tradition and modern rock innovation, Broadside Electric has been called "Pennsylvania's answer to Steeleye Span," "folk music's answer to death metal" and a band that "gives members of the usual folk audiences something new to talk about." Much of the band's repertoire is drawn from scholarly studies of traditional music. A favorite source is B.H. Bronson's Traditional Tunes of the Child...
The Broadsides started as a trio of fellars from where Auckland; New Zealnd, who were brought together for their similar fascination for music that were born out of the deep American south. The band features Alan Meharry, David Ward, David Khan, Ben Michelson and Etienne Harris on vocals/ guitar, banjo/ guitar, fiddle/mandolin/guitar, drums and upright bass respectively. Their songs is an amalgamation of rockabilly, bluegrass, gypsy punk, swamp blues, gospel and country.The subject matter of their songs is observations of the life they observe around them, sometimes tongue in cheek, sometimes poetic and sometimes just plain comical. .
London-born songwriter Ned Younger first assembled some of the first Monument Valley songs whilst living abroad in Spain. Having spent his whole life writing songs, Ned returned to his hometown with a determination to work his endless pages of lyrics detailing everything from found market photographs to the weeks he spent in a Madrid hospital recovering from a collapsed lung (No Air) into a fully fledged musical project, titled Monument Valley. .
Zespół Monumentum (pisany również jako MonumentuM) został utworzony w 1987 roku w Mediolanie przez gitarzystę Roberto Mammarella i basistę Anthonego Dumana. Pierwszym wokalistą został Mark Westfall. Grupa reprezentuje trudny do jednoznacznego zdefiniowania styl. Wczesne dokonania można zaliczyć do doom metalu, późniejsze - gotyckiego. W ich muzyce występuje dużo elektroniki, nie brak naleciałości industrialu i ambientu. Spoiwem łączącym całą ich twórczość jest wyjątkowy klimat - pełen głębi, niepokoju i melancholii, tęskne wokale i hipnotyzujące kompozycje. Zawdzięcza nie mniej eksperymentom Celtic Frost i neurotycznym melodiom The Cure, co elektronicznym podróżom Massive Attack. Skład: * Roberto Mammarella (wokal, gitara) * Andrea Stefanelli (wokal)...