Jymy Contreras | pl

Piosenkarz hiszpański urodzony w Huelvie, 18.10.1978r. W swoich utworach łączy rap z elementami flamenco, reggaetonu i popu andaluzyjskiego. Od początku kariery wydał 7 albumów: 2005 - De Luz y de Sal 2006 - El Espejo 2007 - Sergio Contreras 2008 - La Transparencia de un Alma 2009 - Equilibrio 2011 - Puño y Corazón 2013 - #AmorAdicción .
Mexican drummer Tino Contreras is a national legend of Latin jazz. As creator and composer, for five decades he has been renowned in Mexico and worldwide. He has recorded over 40 albums in Argentina, Spain, France, Germany, and of course, Mexico. In the forties he formed his first band "Swing Cadets" in his hometown of Juarez Chihuahua. Debut with the orchestra of Luis Alcaraz in the early fifties on his first tour of South America and the Caribbean. Later forms what was his first orchestra in Mexico City, standing out as the most important drummer of the time. .
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