Brent Anderson | pl

There are several artists by this name: 1. Three Albums From Chris Anderson who teamed up with DJ Robbie for some hot dance releases 2. Chris Anderson, editor-in-chief of Wired Magazine. I wrote The Long Tail, which first appeared in Wired in October 2004 3. Chris Anderson, composer/playwright and independent musician, who wrote "WAiT - it's a musical!" independent musician E. Christine (Chris) Anderson, is a pop rock exploration of the Biblical story of Jesus' birth. Anderson won a GRAMMY IN THE STREETS award (Baltimore,2003) for her song, "Their Leader" from this project. 4. Chris Anderson, UK-based multi-instrumentalist, formerly member...
There are at least two artists with the name Brenton Wood: an American soul singer and songwriter, and a rock musician. 1.) Alfred Jesse Smith (born July 26, 1941 in Shreveport, Louisiana), better known by the stage name Brenton Wood, is an American singer and songwriter, best known for his two 1967 hits: Oogum Boogum Song and Gimme Little Sign. When he was a child his family moved west to San Pedro in Los Angeles, California. In his high school years his family relocated to nearby Compton, where Brenton became a member of the Compton High School track team and...
Doug a musician of prodigious talent released Earthschool Guitar in 2008 to a raucous crowd, I know I was there. .
Ernestine Anderson (November 11, 1928 – March 10, 2016) was an American jazz and blues singer. In a career spanning more than six decades, she recorded over 30 albums. She was nominated four times for a Grammy Award. She sang at Carnegie Hall, the Kennedy Center, the Monterey Jazz Festival (six times over a 33-year span), as well as at jazz festivals all over the world. In the early 1990s she joined Qwest Records, the label of fellow Garfield High School grad Quincy Jones. Ernestine Anderson (and her twin sister Josephine) were born, in Houston, Texas. By the age of...
Ian Anderson (ur. 10 sierpnia 1947 w Dunfermline w Szkocji) - szkocki muzyk rockowy. Instrumentalista, kompozytor i autor tekstów, od 1967 założyciel i ekstrawagancki lider progresywnej grupy rockowej Jethro Tull. Ian Anderson gra na flecie, gitarze akustycznej oraz mandolinie. Anderson posiada łatwo rozpoznawalny głos i manierę wokalną, które wraz z jego fletem stały się znakiem rozpoznawczym Jethro Tull. Ian Anderson równolegle ze swą pracą w grupie, nagrywa płyty solowe. Jako solista skupia się raczej na tworzeniu muzyki instrumentalnej. W jego solowej twórczości wyróżnia się neoklasyczna dwunastoczęściowa suita Divinities nagrana z orkiestrą symfoniczną. .