Chaos Luciferi | pl

Chaos UK to angielska kapela hardcore punkowa założona w 1979 roku w Portishead niedaleko Bristolu. Początkowo grali szybkiego, niechlujnego hardcore punka. Aktualny skład to: Simon (wokal), Andy (gitara), Kaos (bas), Potts (perkusja) - w ciągu całej działalności scenicznej przeszli jednak wiele różnych zmian składu, w których tylko Kaos i Gabba byli stałymi członkami. Ich teksty dotyczą takich tematów jak bezrobocie, recesja ekonomiczna, picie alkoholu, dzieciobójstwo i nieufność wobec rządu, policji oraz ogólnie pojętej władzy. .
64chaos is a franco - japanese electro/chiptune duo. .
Bloomington, Indiana via Boston-based group best known for the single "Designer Genes", their contribution to the seminal post-punk compilation Red Snerts: The Sound of Gulcher (Gulcher Records, 1981). Members were Rick Wilkerson (vocals, synthesizer), Lynn Shipley (vocals), Rich Lampear (bass), and Bruce Demaree (drums). Amoebas in Chaos recorded one full length, On the May Day (Hardly Music, 1982), before dissolving in 1983. .
Kelsey and the Chaos’ new single “Life Goes On” is a ray of light in a world full of dismally mundane love songs. This upbeat tune displays a new attitude that the young band have come to live by. “This song is all about picking yourself up, dusting yourself off and moving on.” Says Kelsey Merritt, front-woman of Kelsey and The Chaos,”I want everyone who hears it to be uplifted and motivated to come out of life’s trials stronger than ever.” Kelsey and the Chaos have seen their fair share of adversity, but in turn, a much greater share of...
Cuckoo Chaos are a five piece San Diego group made up of players from other bands including The Vision of a Dying World, The Paddle Boat, Black Mamba, and Cousins. .
Znaleziony 44 piosenki, Trwanie: 05:40:18
Medwegya x Chaos Luciferi (full split, 2022)
Chaos Lucif - Outro
Caos Lagoon
Cap.1 Incontro durante la tempesta
Fa che noi possiamo vivere ancora
La bambina
Le timide onde che cullano la Laguna
Cap.2 Ritorno sull'isola
Cap.5 Epilogo
Petali neri
Venezia Occulta
Dimora oscura
Rituale Delle Rocce
Cap.2 Ritorno sull'isola
Dungeon Lagoon I
Petali Neri
Cap.3 Carne mutilata alla deriva
Cap.4 Funerale tra le onde
La dolcezza della tua innocenza
Il covo delle streghe
La Dolcezza Della Tua Innocenza
La purezza dell'essere
La Purezza Dell'essere
Il tuo corpo mi divora
Cap.0 Prefazione
Dolore,il tuo amore
Dolore, il Tuo Amore
Il tuo sguardo mi affonda nell'abisso
Dungeon Lagoon II
Trionfo dei Dannati
OUTRO (Per sempre con te)
La tua voce mi assilla
Dove la morte ti affoga
INTRO (Lacrime)
Intro (Lacrime)