Distorted Goblin | pl

Goblin- włoski zespół grający progresywnego rocka. Największą sławę przyniosła mu muzyka do filmów Dario Argento. Początkowo grupa nosiła nazwę "Cherry Five" i była pod wielkim wpływem zespołów takich jak King Crimson czy Genesis. Później zostali zmiennikami dla kompozytora Giorgio Gaslini'ego, który po konflikcie z Dario Argento zrezygnował z dalszej współpracy przy "Głębokiej czerwieni". Wtedy zmienili nazwę na Goblin i napisali słynną tytułową melodię do tegoż filmu. Główny skład: * Claudio Simonetti - keyboard, syntezatory, organy. * Massimo Morante - gitara, wokal. * Fabio Pignatelli - bass i gitara akustyczna. * Walter Martino - perkusja (Oliver, Cherry Five, Goblin). .
Distorted Penguins, formed in 1996, have the most amazing and intriguing story of any band ever, and they are on the mission to revive a lifeless rock & roll music scene. After hiking the United States coast to coast and doing a hundred push-ups (that’s right – one-hundred), they formed the master plan to release the greatest album that will ever slap you in the face like a pimp… that masterpiece is 2005’s Billiam Rockwell. Having complete independence from the industry and being powered from the beginning by the star brilliance of “Magic” Dave Mussen, the Distorted Penguins have become...
The Goblin Market is a project of Jeff Kelly and Laura Weller, both of whom are also in The Green Pajamas. The music prominently features lyrics by Emily Bronte. .
Like an unscratchable itch or an uneasy memory, the sonic escapades of Doofgoblin (nee John Gulino) are a thorn in the side of would-be easy listeners. Gulino produces complex tickle-pain/hyper-pop music that caters to nail biters and short attention spans, in which rural thematics penetrate a thicket of electronic techno-noise and order subtly disguises itself as mechanized chaos. Tight orchestration wrestles with digital catastrophe; moments of anarchy and humor arise and disappear. Meanwhile, the dysfunctional relationship between noise and time plays itself out over a tortured, if grassy, field. As a Connecticut youngster, Gulino absorbed the early sounds of Megadeth,...
BOBGOBLIN is a post-punk, power-pop concept group formed in 1993 in Dallas, TX by singer/songwriter Hop Litzwire (aka Sgt. Hop Manski), drummer Avsharian, guitarist Lech Vogner, and bassist Hech Mohech. Reminiscent of their influences, which include, among many, The Clash, XTC, Buzzcocks, Killing Joke, Cheap Trick, The Cars, and The Pixies, their raw, locally-produced cassette tape Rocket Box established the band's presence on the local scene early on, helping them to form bonds with some of the best bands in Dallas, including Hagfish, Funland, UFOFU, and Baboon. Despite the promising beginnings, the band's existence floundered somewhat for a year or...