Charly Sahona | pl

Charles (Charly) René Pierre Luske (born 19th of September 1978, Amsterdam) is a dutch singer, actor and host. He is married to actress Tanja Jess and has two sons. Charly Luske is best known for his appearance in the 2011 version of The Voice of Holland. Singing "It's a men's world" in the blind auditions, he amazed both jury and public, and quickly became top favorite to win. It was considered a shock when Charly lost out to Chris Hordijk in the semi-finals by only a small margin. Charly started singing when he was twelve years old, encouraged by his...
Jego korzenie to raczkująca scena drum’n’bass w Łodzi. Szybkie miksy, żywiołowe zachowanie za gramofonami oraz umiejętność nawiązania kontaktu z publiką sprawiają, że jego sety są pełne nieposkromionej energii. Dziś jednak, jeśli tylko charakter imprezy go nie ogranicza, nie stroni od łączenia róznych gatunków i nurtów w jedną całość: poczynając od szeroko rozumianego drum’n’bass-u, przez ragga jungle aż po nu skool oraz funky breakz i hip hop. Łącząc je w swoich setach, propaguje otwartość umysłu na różne gatunki muzyki klubowej, nie bojąc się przy tym umiejętnego i często zaskakującego eksperymentu. W alternatywie do ciężkich i mrocznych odmian d’n’b, proponuje lżejsze, bardziej...
Until 1987 Charly’s teenage years were dominated by Disco and Italiën music. But his musical directions were changed, when he first heard House-music on a summer holiday in Blanes, Spain. After hooking-up with Mental Theo in 1992, things went fast for Ramon! Remember songs like: Wonderful Days, Stars, Hardcore Feelings and many more. Over twelve years they travelled around the world spreading their Happy Hardcore sound. At the end of the ninetees Charly was tired of the commercial sound and he started to experiment in the studio again, together with two oldtime friends, Frank and Marcel. Trying to build a...
Charly Antolini is the swiss drummer who's played in traditional and swing bands with European, expatriate and visiting American players. He recorded in Switzerland with Bill Coleman in the the '50s, and played in the dixieland group The Tremble Kids in the late '50s, early '[/ag]60s and early '70s. He also played for five years in the German big band of The Suddeutscher Rundfunk. He has recorded with Wolfgang Dauner, Eugen Cicero, Stuff Smith, and Baden Powell, been a bandleader and session musician and played with Lionel Hampton and Benny Goodman in the '80s. He also toured the Soviet Union....
Znaleziony 11 piosenki, Trwanie: 34:35
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