Rocola Bacalao | pl

Bacalao Men was born in Caracas in 1999, when Pablo Estacio asked two musician friends to form a songo band. The group first featured Sebastián Araujo on drums, Aurelio Martínez on sax, and Pablo Estacio on bass and vocal. Within the first jam sessions, the musical structures and atmosphere that would give Bacalao its essence began to emerge, with its intelligent lyrics, afrolatin beats with jolts of funk, hip hop and electronic. The formation soon was enriched with the integration of DJ Hernia; Vladimir Rivero, Caracas’ legendary salsa percussionist, and Rafael Gómez, guitarist of Lapamariposa. With its new members, and...
Taking part in the demo scene on Amiga during the 90's, Bacalao has not dropped the soundtrackers. After numerous collaborations (hip-hop, electro, reggae, flamenco, rock...), electronica has become his main influence. Between the soundtracker and the modern sequencer, he releases his first mini-album on Retinascan in 2004. Therefore, with a laptop and a controller, sometimes even an old amiga, he plays his live set oscillating between breaks and 8-bit sounds. Since then, collaborations follow on with many artists on, bringing in 2005 a second album on Retinascan. In 2006, Midinette Records invites him to release two different EP. The...
An incredibly intense ride of Latin music, color, adrenaline and good vibes! That is probably the best you can do when trying to describe in a few words a RoCola Bacalao show. With its fun-filled Latin fusion, its amazing 5-piece brass section, intelligent lyrics and great attitude, the Ecuadorian band will shake any stage and audience in the world. With over 450 live shows played in the last 11 years, RoCola Bacalao has become one of Latin America’s fastest growing acts. Three European Tours (2008-2010) and their last record published in Europe, the USA and Japan with Übersee Records. Highlights...