The Delta Mirror | pl

PLEASE NOTE: THIS PAGE CONTAINS THE PHOTOS/SONGS/INFORMATION OF THREE (3) SEPARATE BANDS. 1) Mirror Mirror was started in late 2003 by David Riley and Ryan Lucero. They played their first shows with drum machines and bass, incorporating costumes, props and sets. Since then, they’ve played around NY, LA, Providence, Miami and Paris with bands like Get Hustle, Clap Your Hands Say Yeah, Japanther, Telepathe, Lansing-Drieden, Experimental People, Lispector, Phiiliip, BARR etc. They quickly learned that playing at galleries/art spaces gave them more control over the performance and presentation. They could play with visual projections, or behind a wall, or lying...
Delta Heavy was born the moment Ben Hall and Si James decided to pursue their ambition of mediocre fame, semi fortune and making loud music, in the hope of averting forty long years in an office. Despite a complete lack of production experience, three years of hard work paid off when their track Abort was released on Viper Recordings in mid 2010. Having been a regular on dance floors all year, it topped download charts and received support on Radio 1 from Zane Lowe and others. Combining their love of cinematic soundscapes, house, techno and the 80s with the impact...
Delta Lea Goodrem (ur. 9 listopada 1984 w Sydney) jest australijską aktorką, kompozytorką i piosenkarką, karierę rozpoczęła jako aktorka w serialu "Neighbours". Do tej pory wydała 4 niezwykle popularne w Australii albumy. Była narzeczoną tenisisty Marka Philippoussisa oraz piosenkarza Briana McFaddena. W lipcu 2003 Goodrem ujawniła, że ma raka w postaci ziarnicy złośliwej, udało się jej jednak pokonać chorobę. Rok później wydała płytę Mistaken Identity która stała się 5x platynowa. Trzy spośród sześciu singli z Mistaken identity dotarły do 1. miejsca Australijskiej Listy Przebojów. W Polsce dobrze znany jest utwór Almost here który wykonywała razem w Brianem McFaddenem. Dyskografia -...
Born in January of 2010 in Canterbury, Delta Sleep was driven by a desire to create fun and original, forward-thinking music. Their songs combines guitar driven melodies, held together by jazz influenced percussion and relentless bass, topped with sprinkles of passionate shouts and lulling chants. To coin Delta Sleep's sound is a hard task indeed, but has once been described by a wise old man as an "enchanted battle between Don Cab and At The Drive-In for the city of Radiohead in the land of Faraquet". Their playfulness invokes sugarcoated riffs, and their hospitality will warm you through on a...
The Delta are Marcus Maichel (X-Dream), Wayan Raabe & Arne Schaffhausen (Spirallianz,Extrawelt,Midi Miliz),a techno trance project from Germany. .
Znaleziony 16 piosenki, Trwanie: 01:21:43
Blind (TV On The Radio cover)
It Was Dark and I Welcome the Calm
Going To Town
Hold Me Down Just Don't Let Me Go
It's Dark And I Welcome The Calm
Song About The End (The Delta Mirror Remix)
A Song About The End
Stars Over Shanghai
he was worse than the beedle he gave you
going to town (swingset committee)
going to town (adam borecki)
Self Destruct feat. The Delta Mirror
We Got It All
a song about the end (blue sky black death)