The Pasternak Progress | pl

1. Progress is a band from Heerlen (Mijnstreek Oost. Netherlands). the band is still going strong in 2008 and finally presents their long awaited debut mcd 'the crosses we bear'. Progress quit in 2009. After playing a reunion show in 2010 or 2011 some members decided they wanted to give it another shot. Recordings of a new 4 song EP have just been finished. It's not decided when it's going to be released yet. But one thing's for sure, PROGRESS is ready to play a lot of shows in 2013. 2. Progress is a hip-hop duo that consists of Infinito...
When well-known Australian Progressive Rock group Unitopia decided to call it a day, fans were delighted that the musical spirit lives on in the reformed United Progressive Fraternity. A phoenix from the ashes, UPF are a tour de force with ex-Unitopia members Matt Williams on guitar, Dave Hopgood on drums, Tim Irrgang on percussion and the ever magical voice of Mark ‘Truey’ Trueack, whose vision this juggernaut is. Added to this, Mark managed to corral some progressive rock heavyweights in the form of keyboard player, guitarist, vocalist and song-writer, friend Guy Manning (Manning, The Tangent) Daniel Mash plays bass guitar...
From Plan To Progress jest angielskim zespołem grającym szybki, melodyjny punk rock. Został utworzony w 2005 roku i gra do dziś. Już w tym roku wydali we wrześniu EP'kę "Bombs, Towns and Chords", która zebrała pozytywne opinie. W tym roku też zespół wyruszył w trasę koncertową, by promować swój materiał. Grali między innymi z H2O czy Strike Anywhere. W 2008 roku wydali longplaya "Evolution In The Wrong Direction". Członkowie: Pete - wokal Chris - gitara / wokal Kal - gitara / wokal Nick - gitara basowa / wokal Phil - perkusja .