EXE | pl

Zespół założony w 2003 roku w Los Angeles. Gra thrash metal okraszony licznymi melodyjnymi solówkami i charakterystycznym wokalem. Po wydaniu kilku demówek, w 2008 roku światło dzienne ujrzał pierwszy album z prawdziwego zdarzenia, State of Insurgency. Grupa ma na koncie również jeden teledysk, tytułowy kawałek z ich pierwszej płyty. .
German rave/techno/trance act from the mid 90's. Various producers were involved in this project. The first singles were made by Ramon Zenker, Andreas Schneider and Uwe Papenroth. Later other producers joined the project, as the original producers moved on to other projects The "face" of Perplexer was Marc Olbertz (DJ since 1993). He played as DJ Perplexer at raves and was the interviewee in magazines and on TV. .
Exene Cervenka (born Christine Cervenka February 1, 1956) is an American musician and actress. Raised in Illinois and Florida, Cervenka moved to Los Angeles in 1976. In 1977 she met musician John Doe at a poetry workshop at Beyond Baroque in Venice, CA, and founded the punk band X; they released their debut album "Los Angeles" in 1980, and, over the next six years, five more critically acclaimed albums. Today she continues her musical career with X as well as in solo performances and participation in bands such as The Knitters, Auntie Christ and The Original Sinners. In 1982 Cervenka...
Sanguinary Execution is a brutal Death Metal band from Ecuador. They were formed in 2010 by Carlos (Vocals/Guitars/Drum Programming) and Fernando (Guitars) to create gruesome, high speed brutal death metal with influence from bands such as MORTICIAN and MALODORUS. They self-released their debut album "Disembowel" on the 3rd of March 2010. Official Myspace .