Alicia Rey | pl

Alicia Keys to pseudonim artystyczny Alicii Augello Cook, córki Terii Augello, pochodzącej z włosko-irlandzkiej rodziny i Craig'a Cook'a - afroamerykańskiego stewarda. Urodzona w Nowym Jorku w 1981 roku dziewczynka od najmłodszych lat przejawiała talent do muzyki - śpiewać zaczęła niedługo po tym jak nauczyła się mówić. W wieku 9 lat mała Alicia potrafiła już zagrać na fortepianie sonaty Chopina. Pięć lat później rozpoczęła naukę w New York's Professional Performing Arts School w klasach śpiewu, tańca i pianina jazzowego. Pomimo swojego młodego wieku, mając 16 lat otrzymała stypendium na Uniwersytecie w Columbii z którego zrezygnowała na rzecz szykującego się kontraktu płytowego...
(1) Alicia Williamsom-Garcia is a Gospel artist with Integrity Music. She is the television host of I-Gospel on the Inspiration Network and a syndicated cable show JOY-Matters of the Heart. A graduate of Winthrop College, Garcia has toured as a contemporary Christian artist for 20 years. She worked with Heritage USA before joining TRUTH. She also served with the Billy Graham Evangelistic Organization before launching Alicia, Inc. (2) Alicia is the stage name for Spanish Alicia Torres. Together with F. Galera, also know as, Ice Fran and Ruben Herrera, Alicia recorded the singles «Super Girl», «Open Your Eyes» and «Tonight»....
Alicia Villarreal (born Martha Alicia Villarreal Esparza on 31 August 1974, in Monterrey, Nuevo León, Mexico) is a Mexican Latin Grammy award-winning singer. Villarreal first performed the song Mundo De Juguetes at Pipo, a national TV show her parents took her to. Her first professional performance was at a church fund-raiser. In 1995, Grupo Límite, group of Musica Grupera with her as lead singer, started touring with the more famous Grupo Bronco. Among their songs were "Acariciame", "Te Aprovechas" and "Solo Contigo". Grupo Limite released six albums altogether, including a live CD recorded in Mexico City. In 2003, Alicia released...
Alicia Svigals is an American Klezmer violinist. She cofounded one of the most well-known klezmer bands, The Klezmatics, as well as an all-female klezmer band Mikveh. She is known for reviving the classic style of East European klezmer fiddling and has co-operated with such notables as Itzhak Perlman. She has two sons named Ben and Phillip. .
Alicia de Larrocha y de la Calle (23 May 1923 – 25 September 2009) was a Spanish pianist, widely considered to be one of the greatest of her generation She was born in Barcelona, and began studying piano with Frank Marshall in Spain at age three. She performed her first concert at the age of six at the World's Fair in Seville in 1929, and had her orchestral debut at the age of 11. She began touring internationally in 1947, and in 1954 toured North America with the Los Angeles Philharmonic. De Larrocha has made numerous recordings of solo piano...