Amil | pl

Camila is a Mexican soft rock group formed in 2005 which reached success in their home country and all over Latin America upon the release of their debut album Todo Cambió. The group includes Mario Domm (producer and composer) from Mexico City, Samuel Parra "Samo" (vocalist) from Veracruz and Pablo Hurtado (guitarist) from San Luis Potosí. The group's name came from a friend's idea of calling the group "Camila" because it means "close to God". .
Camilo Blanes Cortés (born September 16, 1946) better known in the entertainment world as Camilo Sesto is a native of Alcoi, a Valencian city located in the province of Alicante, who enjoyed fame as a singer during the 1970s and the 1980s. Probably the most prominent male voice of Spanish pop music at that time, he became famous for his powerful, carefully arranged ballads. Sesto sang in two pop bands during the 1960s and won a contest in a Madrid TV show. He also played a part in the Spanish filming of Shakespeare's Hamlet. Later, he teamed up with singer...
As these things so often do, Family And Friends began as a lowly seedling of inspiration. “Good music, good people.” A stalk gave yield to branches. One became six, a collective of musicians by trade, lovers by spirit. Inspired by a life worth living, the Fam and Pals remained rooted with three ambitions in heart, mind, and soul: the people, the music, the memories. The reflection represented by blend of earnest folk rock and a communal spirit pouring a collective heart into something bigger than itself. An intangible force of an unfaltering love worth giving away. A Family And Friend...
There are three artists sharing this name. 1. Royal Family is a former Finnish rap group consisting of friends Pikku G, Ezkimo, Skandaali, YOR123, Helpus, Mängimies, Mas and Sophie. Between 2002 and 2004 these artists toured the country and performed hundreds of shows including gigs in Germany and Estonia. They broadcast their own TV show on MTV3/+ and released the very successful album "Pyöreän Pöydän Ritarit" in April 2004, as well as their own clothing line. In 2004 they decided to go their separate ways and concentrate on solo projects. 2. Royal Family is a Swedish soulful house group active...
Paul Tucker - grający na instrumentach klawiszowych, spędził wiele lat w Newcastle, próbując znaleźć swoje miejsce na muzycznej scenie. W końcu zniechęcony, sprzedał całe muzyczne wyposażenie i zaczął studiować języki - francuski i niemiecki. Po zakończeniu studiów nie podjął pracy w zawodzie, tylko zatrudnił się w nocnym klubie. Wtedy też Tucker zdecydował się nagrać swoją starą piosenkę - "Ocean Drive". Problem polegał jednak na tym, że mógł ją zagrać, ale nie zaśpiewać. Zdeterminowany artysta rozwiesił w całym mieście plakaty, że poszukuje wokalisty. W tym samym czasie, w Newcastle mieszkał Tunde Baiyewu. Przyjaciele, którzy widzieli plakaty i znali wokalne uzdolnienia Tunde'a...