Nightmare And The Cat | pl

There is more than one artist with this name. 1) Nightmare, a Japanese visual rock band Naitomea, see ナイトメア. 2) Nightmare, a French heavy metal band. 3) Nightmare, a Japanese hardcore punk band. 4) Nightmare, an Italian progressive metal band. 5) Nightmare, a Serbian rapper. 6) Nightmare, a Polish thrash/speed metal band. 7) Nightmare, a Croatian rapper 8) Nightmare, a Colombian Heavy/Speed Metal band. 2) Nightmare is a heavy metal band from Grenoble, France, formed in 1979 and stopped in 1987 then came back in 1999 with Jo Amore (ex drummer) at the microphone, Jeannot Stripoli and Nicolas de Dominici...
Johnny Nightmare plays fast and violent no bullshit psychobilly. Dax Dragster (ex-Godless Wicked Creeps) brings you ass slappin' double bass madness and insane satanic screams while Butch The Knife and Count Elwing's demonic guitar twang and sadistic drum attack opens the gates to hell. The trio joined forces under the winter fullmoon sometime in 2006 and is now ready to make your ears bleed and your heart stop pumpin'. Look out for these three dead cowboys! 2006 - The Band is formed in the late winter June 2007 - Johnny Nightmare record a 10 trackdemo November 2007 - The Band...
Relatively new and unknown to the music scene, Nightmare and the Cat are our favorite new indie-folk band. Claire Acey and brothers Django and Samuel Stewart form the 3-piece band, whose Facebook bio states, “We are Nightmare and the Cat… and that is that.” Fresh from the cult London music scene, they have soft vocals reminiscent of Jeff Buckley, an indie pop vibe like that of The Thrills or Vampire Weekend, and instrumental skills like only Arcade Fire can match. .
Band from Gijón, Spain. Hardcore in the vein of Battery, In My Eyes, avoiding the cliques of the scene. . .
Znaleziony 23 piosenki, Trwanie: 01:39:52
Blackbird Smile
Goodbye So Many Times
Be Your Own God
The Missing Year
Breaking Down the Walls
X's On Your Eyes
Mr Wobble's Nightmare (Mikix The Cat Remix)