La Obra de Marte | pl

Cobra Starship jest nowojorskim zespołem grającym alternatywnego rocka. Założył go w 2005 roku Gabe Saporta, który był głównym wokalistą oraz basistą w zespole Midtown. Pozostali członkowie to Victoria Asher grająca na keybordzie (dawniej na keybordzie grała Elisa Anna Schwartz), Ryland Blackinton na gitarze, Alex Suarez na basie oraz Nate Novarro na perkusji. CS wydali w roku 2006 album "While the City Sleeps, We Rule the Streets", na którym znalazł sie utwór "Bring It (Snakes on a Plane)" wykorzystany na ścieżce dźwiękowej do filmu "Węże w samolocie". W roku 2007 wydali kolejny album „Viva La Cobra!” w tej samej wytwórni co...
Another of those obscure Italian 70's prog classics. CAMPO DI MARTE plays full of fiery invention and complex dynamics, covering an incredible range of musics but retaining a style uniquely its own. For every heavy moment there are also generally pleasant passages with piano, flute and horn. The melodies are, as usual for Italian bands, impeccable. The music ranges from elegant and simple to moderately complex, invoking PFM's "Storia di un Minuto" and IL BALLETTO DI BRONZO's "Ys" as fair comparisons. Overall this Italian band blends its Meditterreanean melodicism with convincing hard rock. Those who think they've mined all the...
Peter Agyagos aka DJ Cobra is the premier European trance composer from Slovakia. Born 1978 in Kosice, Slovakia; Cobra found his interest in music in the early 90's. It was a period which the dance music scene was developing a sort of a new style called Dancefloor, which later on evolved into euro-dance. DJ Cobra states, "Initially, I actually didn’t listen to dance music a lot. But when I discovered this new Dancefloor style, I was impressed and was thinking. Now this is great dance music!" Throughout the 90's, Cobra began writing and producing his own style later known as...
Maikotobranco is a band from Tokyo, Japan. They formed under influence from the shoegaze band, My Bloody Valentine. Maikotobranco is not just a retrospective shoegaze band though. Ryuta's songwriting skills and artistic performance will go beyond your thoughts about the indie music scene of Tokyo. Experience their everlasting songs! .