Dr Dormant | pl

www.facebook.com/dormant.ordeal www.dormantordeal.bandcamp.com www.soundcloud.com/dormant_ordeal Poczatkowo funkcjonujac jako jednoosobowy projekt obecnego perkusisty zespolu, Dormant Ordeal zapisal pierwsza strone swojej dyskografii materialem "Demo I" wydanym w roku 2005. Kolejny rok to kolejna odslona projektu - demo "Rotten Hearts". Z biegiem czasu do skladu dolaczali nowi muzycy, inni go opuszczali, by ostatecznie w roku 2009 projekt stal sie w pelni funkcjonalnym zespolem. Tego samego roku w krakowskim klubie Underworld odbyl sie pierwszy koncert, co ostatecznie przypieczetowalo poczatek nowego etapu. Tysiace blastów pózniej, na przelomie pazdziernika i listopada 2009 roku, zespól zarejestrowal pierwszy material promocyjny o nazwie "More to Come". 17 marca 2013 roku premierę...
Dormant Carnivore was founded in 2005 as experimental one man project. In autumn of 2007 2 vocalists joined the band (one of Aborted Fetus and another of Offalmincer, FatalError), in winter of the same year they found bassist and drummer. Band made several gigs in Russia. In november of 2008 Promo CD was released (only 100 copies). At the moment DC are recording slams for the first album. .
There are at least two bands using the name Dormant. 1) Dormant is a one man black metal band from Minneapolis, Minnesota, United States, founded in 2006 by Todd Paulson, owner of the label God Is Myth Records, and former member of Uvall. His debut full-length album, "Beneath the Mighty Oak", was released in 2007. He decided to move away from the somewhat strict confines of a straight forward black metal project such as Uvall to concentrate on this more ambitious work. Combining aspects of black metal and neofolk, along with unusual song structures the results of the album make...
Znaleziony 19 piosenki, Trwanie: 46:32
Soft Hearted
Incubus w/ Dr Dormant (Prod. harvest)
Ice Queen
Disapointment (ft. Skrub)
Infamous (ft. Skrub)
Cause And Deflect Feat Riley Juice
The Worst Dude
Aliens (ft. Edukate)
Equinox Ft. Famous Addonis (Prod. ???)
DR!P Ft. El Gingo (Prod. NEXX)
Equinox (ft. Famous Addonis)