August Burns Red | pl

August Burns Red to pięcioosobowy band z amerykańskiego miasta Lancaster w Pensylwanii, grający metalcore . Zespół istnieje od marca 2003 roku i szybko zaczął grywać koncerty w okolicach Lancester. Rok później, w 2004 podpisał kontrakt z CI Records i wydał EP'ke pod tytułem "Looks Fragile After All". Po roku koncertowania, kapela zmieniła wytwórnie na Solid State Records i wydała swoje debiutanckie LP "Thrill Seeker" (8.11.2005). Drugi album - "The Messengers" ukazał się latem 2007 roku, a trzeci - "Constellations" pod koniec lipca 2009. W roku 2011 muzycy wydają kolejny LP noszący tytuł "Leveler", będący kontynuacją stylu obranego na "Constellations". Skład:...
Burnski is an artist with an undeniable natural talent and drive. A comparable youth on the circuit, he has achieved more than some that have been around for twice as long. Aged 20, he was the youngest person to play at the legendary Leeds institution Back2Basics in the 16 year history of the club. On the basis of this and an immediate rapport with the club faithful, he was subsequently asked to become resident and keeps it in the heart of UK club land to this day. Emerging from a seaside town renowned for not much more than smog &...
‘Everything Burns’ are a progressive metal 5 piece from the south west of the UK who formed in mid 2007. They trade in a musical expression that lies dead in between the most pseudo-metallic of emocore and the most melodic and shiny of metalcore. The band originally signed to the UK label Rising Records in mid 2008, who then released their debut album ‘Home’ in February 2010, produced by Mark Daghorn (Orange Goblin, Trigger The Bloodshed). ‘Home’ is eleven songs of fast-paced, hyper-melodic, no-bull metallic music, aimed straight for the domains of what's inspirational and captivating. This is emotional post...
There is more than one artist named The Burns. 1.) The Burns is an indie rock band from Moscow, Russia. First outlines The Burns have received after the decision of Garri and Pitkin to play together, in the winter 2006. Members of group constantly changed, the direction of music also varied, many Moscow underground scene artists took part in a band, but nobody stay for a long time. The final line up has been formed only in April, 2007: Garri - guitar, vocals; Pitkin - bass; Sidr - drums. Official Website Myspace 2.) For the japanese garage band please fix...
Don Augusto is chilean producer Ariel Bustamante. .