Sander Kleinenberg - Seelenluft | pl

Sander is a Dutch singer who has worked with a lot of producers between 2004 and 2006. In 2007 he recorded the song Party Zone. Over the last years he worked on an album and he will start recording summer 2008. .
Seelenluft is Beat Soler from Zurich. He has been playing music since he was seven, and has made a number of records in the past ten years. He signed with Klein Records and released his debut The Rise and Fall of Silvercity Bob in 2000. Silvercity Bob is an imaginary trumpet player and the album relies heavily on Beat Soler's collection of 1950s easy listening records. The Synchronswimmer EP was released as a soundtrack for Acapulco 11, a synchronized swimming team. He recorded his latest album Out of the Woods over a couple of months in Los Angeles during 2002....
Sander van Doorn prawdziwe nazwisko Sander Ketelaars. DJ ten, urodzony 28 lutego 1979 już od lat młodzieńczych zdradzał niezwykły talent muzyczny. W wieku 16 lat rozpoczął swą, młodą na razie karierę, kupując tani, używany sprzęt do mixowania. Stan gramofonów nie przeraził jednak młodego Sandera, i mimo braków technicznych postanowił wyrobić sobie swój unikalny i niepowtarzalny styl, mający w późniejszym czasie ogromny wpływ na jego karierę. Swoje pierwsze utwory zaprezentował on już w wieku 17 lat, aczkolwiek sam nie był z nich zupełnie zadowolony. Zainspirowały go one jednak i popchnęły w stronę mocnych dzwięków, które są jego wizytówką do dziś. Inspiruje...
Brandon Sanderson was born in December of 1975 in Lincoln, Nebraska. As a child Brandon enjoyed reading, but he lost interest in the types of titles often suggested for him, and by junior high he never cracked a book if he could help it. This all changed in 8th grade when an astute teacher, Mrs. Reader, gave Brandon Dragonsbane by Barbara Hambly. Brandon thoroughly enjoyed this book, and went in search of anything similar. He discovered such authors as David Eddings, Melanie Rawn, Robert Jordan, Anne McCaffrey, and Orson Scott Card. Brandon continued to be an avid reader through junior...
Znaleziony 5 piosenki, Trwanie: 22:12
Seelenluft - Manilla (Ewan Pearson Remix)
Seelenluft - Manilla (Ewan Pearson Remix)
Старенькое, но веселое )))
Manilla (Ewan Pearson remix)
manilla (ewan pearson remix)