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Happiness - japoński zespół popowy. Jest jednym z trzech zespołów powstałych w ramach projektu Hiro (z zespołu Exile) "Love, Dream, Happiness". Dziewczyny debiutowały w 2011 roku singlem "Kiss Me". Skład: Sayaka, Mimu, Kaede, Karen, Miyuu, Yurino, Mayu. Oficjalna strona: .
Aix-en-Provence, Francja (2004 – obecnie) Chinese Man, sygnowany przez wytwórnię Chinese Man, jest francuskim kolektywem hip-hop'owym utworzonym w 2004 roku. Słychać u nich wpływy funk'u, dub'u, reggae i jazz'u. W skład kolektywu wchodzą muzycy z Marsylii: DJ Zé Mateo i High Ku i beatmaker'ów SLY i Leolebug. Kolektyw ten jest szczególnie znany z kawałka “I’ve Got That Tune,” który został wybrany do reklamy przez dużą niemiecką firmę samochodową, jak również był przewodnim utworem festiwalu filmów francuskich w Hong Kongu. Wytwórnia Chinese Man Records mieści się w Aix-en-Provence. .
Marcia Hines (born July 20, 1953) is an American-born singer who achieved great success in her adopted homeland of Australia. She is best known for her hit singles in the 1970s, and as a judge on Australian Idol since 2003. Born in Boston, Massachusetts, she moved to Australia to play a featured role in the Australian production of Hair. Hines was then approached to play Mary Magdalene in the Australian production of Jesus Christ Superstar. Hines became the first black woman to play Mary Magdalene, and achieved a second major success. A record contract followed and her first single released...
Dohnyale "Deni" Hines (born September 4, 1970 in Sydney, Australia) is a singer, and is the daughter of singer Marcia Hines. Hines grew up in Australia and was inspired by her mother's success as a singer to follow a career in show business. Her earliest employment was as a backing vocalist for such artists as Kylie Minogue and Jimmy Barnes before she was approached by the band Rockmelons to provide vocals for several of their songs. Her collaboration with Rockmelons provided them with three consecutive hit singles - a cover version of the Bill Withers hit "Ain't No Sunshine", the...